D365FO - Reference Groups

Hello everyone,

After that long introduction let's get started, i needed to document an issue with Reference Groups on D365FO (Dynamics 365 Financials and Operations) and well, since i need to do it anyways let's document this for everyone.

So here is what needs to be done:

1. Create a lookup for main address using Reference Group Controls and use 

Something like this:

My first approach was to follow the guidelines from AX 2012 for reference groups but somehow something was missing.

So after a couple (several) tries, this was the solution:

On The child table create a new Foreign Key Relation

Add your related table properties (From your parent table)
Follow the guidelines for foreign keys here

Next step is select the index from the foreign key relation

Once you click on the index, AX is automatically going to create
    1. a new refrecid field
    2. a new index for the new field created
    3. a new relation to the related table from our current relation

In this case we can either use that new field or start from scratch and create our own field and relation.

I will use BillingPostalAddress instead, so, the next step are, delete all those new objects and then recreate them using my field.

On the form where the field is going to be used, simply drag and drop your field to the field group where is going to be used.

A new field ctrl should be created, and that should be your reference group control.

If you look at the properties of the new field created, you should be able to change replacement field group without any inconvenience.

And that's it.

Have fun
